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this woman's work//maxwell this woman's work


maxwell this woman's work

This small cell full of seals, to whose walls poverty clings like an incapacitated companion of the helpless.

 The roof was so broken that it was about to fall. Once upon a time, a lamp was hanging in it, whose skeleton is still hanging today.

 On the sooty stove, a pot with its rims missing, is turned upside down, and nearby lies a brazier wrapped in sacking and tied with a rope—and a broken spoon, which has been in such a state because That one day the stale and cold pan was forcibly scraped from him!

 This closet is littered with junk; A jhangola cot is lying on it, with tattered sheets and torn pillows without covers.

 There is also a cradle on one side; In which a child, whose head is big and the complexion is turning pale, is sleeping lying down. There is a box with a key and a lock, which is unlocked; Because there is no valuable thing left in it, for the protection of which locks and keys are required.

 Apart from this, there is a table lying on one side and . : Three chairs too, which were once painted red; Then a tutial cupboard is also kept there adjacent to them.

 There are two buckets, one filled with dirty water, and the other clean; And then there is also a baroshi. Now it can be easily understood that there was no space even to keep mole in the closet;- but still the poor thing has given place to husband and wife.

 The middle-aged Jewess is sitting on the chest which is placed between the cot and the cradle.

There is a small dim window on his right hand side and a table on the left. She knits stockings in her hands, rocks the cradle with her feet.

 And she is sitting at the table in front of him listening to the Talmud* he is reading, singing and singing.

 In between, he eats some words, and some as if pulled out out loud, some he recites with great pleasure, and some he chews like a dry pea. takes out a handkerchief from his pocket, which was once red and must have proved it, wipes his nose and forehead with it; Then keeping him on his lap, he fixes the hairs on the ears and runs his hand over the pointed and somewhat trimmed beard.

 But then he pulls out a broken hair from his beard and puts it between the pages of the book, picks up a handkerchief lying on his lap, and chews it straight into his mouth. After this, he starts shaking them by putting them on top of the feet.

 And all this happens, but at the same time his forehead gets stressed - sometimes straight and sometimes crooked and so homely that the eyebrows are lost in them.

 Sometimes it seems as if there is some pain in his chest, because he puts his hand on his chest and presses it hard.

 Suddenly he tilts his head to the left. Sneezes by putting a finger in the left nostril.

 Then tilts his head to the right side and sneezes by putting a finger in the right nostril. In between, he goes on sniffing Hulas too. He sits down by stretching his legs. The sound gets louder. The chair creaked and the table rattled.

 But the child sleeping in the cradle does not wake up, because the noise that is being made happens every day! it's nothing new to him

 Was and he-his wife is sitting with her eyes fixed on her husband; Every bit of his voice is being swallowed by his ears. It is certain that she has passed before her time.

Sometimes she sighs – ““If only they were as fit for this world as they are for the Hereafter! Then again I would have lived happily here too - life would have been spent in comfort, but..." Then she assures her own mind - "What to protect self-respect! - One cannot walk on two boats. !”

 She is always listening.

 His wrinkled posture changes from moment to moment; Now she is nervous.

 And just a moment ago, happiness was playing on him. Now he remembered - "Hey, today is Jupiter. And there is not even a grain in the house for Sunday.”--And as soon as he remembered the happiness on his face lightened, then gradually faded away, he looked at the sun through the haze of the window. It is getting late, and there is not even a spoonful of hot water in the house.

 The needles of the hand stop working – a blackness-like appearance covers his face. Looks at the child: He seems to be just about to wake up.

 The poor child is weak, and even then there is not even a drop of milk for him to drink. The kalima of sadness turns into thick darkness. The needles tremble and move intermittently!

 And when he suddenly realizes that the term has come to pass, but his drops and silver candles are still lying pledged,-the chest is lying empty; The lamp is also sold out!

 Just then the needles start running through his fingers like killer's knives! The sadness of the face thickens and accumulates on the eyebrows and it seems as if a storm is just about to come! - Lightning flashed in the dry, dirty eyes that entered the pits!

 And he sat and read, tit for tat. He has no idea that the situation has changed in such a short time!

 He does not see that the wife has stopped knitting stockings, her forehead is pressing down with the weight of sorrow, and is looking at me with a look that should shake every nerve; does not see that her lips are trembling. Yes, my mouth is watering!

Somehow she was restraining herself; Nevertheless, the storm used to come from within, and it would break as soon as it gets a little opportunity.

 And he was reciting a sentence from his theology very happily - "Therefore it means that" Now it was enough to ignite the gunpowder - this one word opened the realization that was stopping the rising flood - and that flood came out - swallowing whatever it found in front of it. She walked at a rapid pace - "It comes out!... You say it comes out - then why doesn't it come out, the one who has become a Nawab!..." Her voice became heavy with anger; Then, hissing like a snake, she said - "It doesn't come out! The day of payment is coming-today is Jupiter-the child is sick-there is no drop of milk-hi"

 Her eyes started spewing fire-she sucked and her sunken breasts flared up-a thunderstorm rained out of her breath.

 And that stone had become a stone!

 The blood dried up - the breath stopped!

 Got up from his place like a ghost and stood close to the doors and turned towards the thin, then saw that both his hands and tongue had become inert due to anger.

 He squinted his eyes a little and pressed the handkerchief between his teeth, breathed heavily, and then said - 'Listen, you know what is meant by 'husband service'?

 She doesn't know and disturbs her husband's studies - always bothers him to earn - Oops! You tell me who feeds the children of these birds, don't you say?

 Why is it silent?

 Doesn't believe in God - wants to be entangled in worldliness - stupid fucking woman! If she can't help her husband in his work, then why does she create obstacles - she will go to hell!”

 She remains silent.

 His face keeps on turning pale. The trembling goes on increasing. Husband gets instigated. The nervousness of the wife instills determination in him – “Oh bastard, she will fall in the fire of hell! Sinner, there your tongue will be pulled tongue! Then she will bear the fruits of her sins well and will taste the pleasure of opposing her husband!”

 She was silent, remained silent.

 His face turned white.

And he knows in his heart that I am making a mistake, being unnecessarily cruel, taking mean advantage of the poor thing's weakness - but now what if he also does it - the anger that has gone out of bounds!

 He started threatening her again – “You know what it means to bury… I don’t know… I can never know… It means to bury me in hell, to be thrown into a ditch – and then pelted with stones from above. Got to bridge that gap?

 Can never will be buried like this!...and do you know what is called Tapana? What your ashes will be understood - never can be understood - never! Ari will be burnt in the fire! And your stomach will be torn open and molten lead will be poured into it - and Kritl understands -?

 Your head will be cut off by the sword. In this way, you will be hanged to death! Listens - will be hanged! Do you understand now? Didn't understand anything - didn't understand! Hey, you can never understand... never! Opposing husband gets these four punishments! And will ever do Zabadrazi now! Aye?

 His heart was aching for the poor thing, but today for the first time he is completely in awe of her and he has understood that I am also a man. stupid woman! Today he understood how easy it is to make Patti understand!

 “Such a sin is committed by insulting your deity husband, understand well today!” – she once shouted loudly and walked away – “I am going to the study room. – She turned around and said in a polite voice, He angrily closed the door and went inside.

 The 'flaring' of the door woke up the child; heavy eyelids open; The pale face, quivering with waxy smoothness, moved, and a shrill sound of sobbing filled the cell.

 But she was out of her mind. Where she was sitting, she kept sitting, did not even hear anything.

 "Hi!" A voice came out of his choked heart - "So this is it, - is this it?" There is nothing in this world - who knows about the other world, he says he will be hanged! Stones will fall...! Will be thrown into the fire...! Will be slipped... will be strangled...! Will be hanged-! Boiling lead will be poured out by ripping open the stomach – for disobeying the husband – for acting against the religious scriptures… ha-ha-ha-ha!” Then she suddenly became extremely anxious - "Hum! I'll be hanged - but right here! Right here -- what are you waiting for now?"

The child began to cry louder, but she remained deaf.

 "Rope! Rope And she started roaming around like a mad person in the closet, started looking in every corner – “Rope! Rope Where did you go? I want that even my bone should not touch her. At least take a break from this hell before today! At least taste a little fun - if you keep the child for a day and see, then all the fat will be removed from the eyes! I've had enough now! I can't bear it anymore. Just now it is finally -- the end will happen! Rope-rope!" His last scream was like a cry for help from a man on fire.

 He remembers that a rope is lying somewhere – “Oh well it is tied in the fireplace – in the fireplace – must be there.”

 She ran

 Opened the rope tied to the fireplace - as if some priceless treasure had been found.

 He raised his head and looked at the ceiling. Lamp knob is present. Now it's just a matter of getting on the table.

 She climbs in - but from the table she sees that the child has suddenly risen startled - and is trying to get out of the cradle by leaning on one edge.

 He is weak... fell somewhere... and he cried out in a dead voice, - "Ma.... Mamma... Mamma!? He got angry with a new head - threw the rope aside. jumped off the table, went to the child and started patting him again with the help of a pillow

 ′′ I am worried behind this! Doesn't even let me die!

 I can't even die in peace!

 Wants to suck milk-milk... I say suck poison poison!

 Where is the milk in that!” And by saying this she put her loose breasts in the child's mouth - "" If you don't agree then take... take... suck-eat-kill me!


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